Working Bibliography of the Film
- Blume, L. M. M. (2023, July 17). Collateral damage: American civilian survivors of the 1945 Trinity test. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists:
- Dawe, A., McKeating, J., Labunska, I., Schulz, N., Stensil, S. P., & Teule, R. (2016). Nuclear scars: The lasting legacies of Chernobyl and Fukushima. Greenpeace Research Laboratories.
- Fedosenko, V., & Prentice, A. (2016, April 15). Chernobyl: Living in the exclusion zone. The Wider Image. Reuters:
- Gomez, M., Arends, J., Cordova, T., Merritt, M., & Shonka, J. (2017). Unknowing, unwilling and uncompensated: The effects of the Trinity Test on New Mexicans and the potential benefits of a Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA) amendment. Tularosa Basin Downwinders Consortium.
- Herrera, H., Herrera, G., Trujillo, M. G., Hinkle, E. K., Cordova, R., & Lopez, L. (2024). Downwinder stories: First-hand accounts. Tularosa Basin Downwinder Consortium.
- Hiroshima Prefecture, & The City of Hiroshima. (2017). Learning from Hiroshima's reconstruction experience (Vol.3): Orphans of the atomic bomb - Untold stories.
- Jacobsen, A. (2024). Nuclear war: A scenario. Dutton Press.
- Kadota, R. (2019). On the brink: The inside story of Fukushima Daiichi (Tokuhiro, A., ed.; Varnam, S., trans.). Kurodahan Press.
- Kennedy, J. F. (1963, July 26). Radio and television address to the American people on the nuclear test ban treaty. The White House.
- Leede, K., & O'Brien, M. (2021, July 15). 'Downwind' of Trinity: Remembering the first victims of the atomic bomb. Atomic Pulse. Nuclear Threat Initiative:
- Naono, A. (2019). The origins of 'Hibakusha' as a scientific and political classification of the survivor. Japanese Studies, 39(3), 333-352.
- Plokhy, S. (2018). Chernobyl: The history of a nuclear catastrophe. Basic Books.
- Schiffer, H. F. (1953). The rosary of Hiroshima. Blue Army.
- Simon, S. L., Bouville, A., Beck, H. L., & Melo, D. R. (2020). Estimated radiation doses received by New Mexico residents from the 1945 Trinity Nuclear Test. Health Physics, 119(4), 428-477.
- Sternglass, E. J. (1981). Secret fallout: Low-level radiation from Hiroshima to Three-Mile Island. McGraw-Hill.
- Thurlow, S. (2015). Setsuko Thurlow's award acceptance speech. Nuclear Age Peace Foundation: